If you are new to songwriting, it can be really difficult to know where to start or how to actually compose a song. However, if you really study most songs, they can all be broken down into a basic structure that you can use to craft your new tunes. As a creative type, you may […]
6 More Bible Verses About Music
Music is a huge part of how we express our faith and belief in God. From hymns to contemporary work, there is no shortage of music to help us connect to our faith. The Bible itself mentions this form of worship quite often. As a Contemporary Christian Musician, Brian Overton is passionate about channeling his […]
Can You Teach Yourself To Sing?
When you hear really incredible singers, many people think they are just naturally gifted and were born to sing. What most people don’t see is all of the hours that singers spend practicing and honing their craft. Anyone with an interest in learning how to sing can develop their abilities. As a Christian Contemporary Musician, […]
What Is Christian Contemporary Music?
Music plays a huge part in many Christian church services. Singing songs is a beautiful and powerful way to focus our energy on our faith. Music is even mentioned in the Bible. “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude in your hearts […]
How To Start A Godly Morning Routine
The morning is a very powerful time that can set the tone for our entire day – for better or worse. Crafting an ideal morning routine can help you in so many areas of your life, but getting that routine started can be difficult. Anywhere from 40-90% of our behavior is habitual, meaning our brains […]