If you are just getting into singing, there are actually four different types of singing, or vocal ranges, you could fall into. Knowing your vocal range can help you know what songs suit your voice the best. Singing outside of your vocal range can strain your voice, so knowing this also helps to prevent injury.
As a contemporary Christian musician and co-worship leader, Brian Overton has a passion for the communal expression of faith that music provides. Read on to learn about the different vocal ranges and how you can find out yours.
The four main vocal ranges, from high to low, are Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass. Everyone’s singing voice is unique and individual, so people may fall in between vocal ranges. Some of the other ranges include:
- Coloratura Soprano – a voice that is high for a soprano
- Mezzo-soprano – a voice that falls between soprano and alto
- Contralto – a voice that is low for an alto
- Countertenor – a voice that is high for a tenor
- Baritone – a voice that falls between tenor and bass
If you don’t already know what vocal range you fall into, there is an easy way to figure this out. If you are a beginner, you might want to do this with the help of a music teacher or experienced singer. Go to a piano and find the middle C note and match your voice to it. From there, find the highest and lowest notes that you can comfortably sing.
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